Sofia Hayat Reacts Strongly As She Gets Accused of ‘Promoting’ Rape Culture

Sofia Hayat posted online a series of pictures from her nude photo-shoot and ended up getting slut shamed by the trolls. She has reacted to it strongly now.

She posted these pictures with the captions related to spirituality and nudity. However, her supposed fans who follow her on the picture sharing app, did not much appreciate these stills and commented horrible things on her feed.

Indeed the kind of comments the celebs get at times are worst than one’s imagination. Despite so many of them emphasising on the fact that nudity does not invite rape or sexual harassment, it is appalling to see the mindset of the commentators going downhill with each passing day.

Many a times, the followers leave no mercy while commenting on any picture that might end up escalating real quick. Slut shaming and body shaming have been an ugly part of of the online world.

Sofia only got to know about this when a publication covered the news of her getting slut-shamed. She retaliated with a strong post that reads as, “I don’t read all my comments..but Times of India printed this one. This guy said this to my am shocked really that people like him think like this! Is he real? Do people like this exist? Tell me this is not what all Indians are like? What do you think of his comment? #timesofindia #rape #rapeculture #india #dailymail #thesun #thestandard #bbc.”

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