Nicah the Queen confesses her struggle with $ex addiction

Nicah the Queen has revealed to her fans that she is not perfect. She told her fans on social media that she was this close to becoming a prostitute.

Gospel singer Nicah confessed that she struggles with some issues despite her high profile. In the past, she has revealed that her upbringing was a tough one.

In the past, she has spoken up about her tough upbringing. The ´Ushuhuda´ singer was raised by a single dad after her mum abandoned her and her little siblings.

Nicah was raised by a single dad after her mother deserted her and her little siblings. Her life has not been rosy.

The Pagawisha hitmaker got another blow when she got pregnant at 15-years-old and the man, a 26-year-old took off as soon as he found out she was pregnant.

Despite being a Christian, Nicah discloses her addiction to $ex, citing that she is no different. And in a bid to encourage others, she writes:

I´m no scared of sharing my testimony, my calling ain´t for the perfect but for the stained…..I will repeat it over and over again, confidently without the fear of being judged! I am who I am because of what I went through….I´m here to give hope to those young laddies struggling with $ex addiction, abortion, single mamas, prostitutes and many more, and teaching those in school the benefits of abstinence and dangers of having a ´sponsor´ to better their lives……May my God give me strength.

Nicah has revealed that as a Christian, she struggles with issues like sex addiction, she encourages others who are going through the same.

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