Tracey Boakye says unmarried women sleeping with lovers are prostitutes

Tracey Boakye has claimed any lady who is not married but has sex with her partner must be termed as a prostitute. According to the actress, prostitutes are not only women who stand by the streets and wait for customers but also unmarried women who give it to their lovers.

Speaking in a YouTube video, the actress adamantly expressed she is disappointed by people who constantly judge and ridicule prostitutes. Tracey hinted sex is only meant for marriage. But instead, some women sleep with their lovers every day without thinking about the moral implications their actions have.

“In this world when you are not married and you have sex, it is prostitution. Whether you stand outside or do it indoors,”

Tracey Boakye

And, the same ladies who unleash their skills in bed every waking moment tend to point their fingers at prostitutes who are trying to earn a living.

“Someone is charging money for sex by the roadside, you on the other hand do it indoors yet at the end of the day, we tend to judge the roadside ones,”

Tracey Boakye

Tracey Boakye argued that it is not fair to tag commercial sex workers as prostitutes while other women go about having sex with their boyfriends all in the name of courtship.

“I respect roadside prostitutes a lot because unlike other ladies who sleep with men for free, these ones take bold steps to make money and support their needs,”.

Tracey Boakye

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