I am a workaholic and it feels good to be back on the set : Rohitashv Gour

Binaiferr and Sanjay Kohli’s popular show Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai is back to shooting mode. The show has shifted to a new location recently to shoot new episodes. Manmohan Tiwari (Rohitashv Gour) shares how excited he is to start shooting again.

He says, ”I am a workaholic and it is good to be back on set. For an actor, it is a relaxation when we go to a new location, new set. The new location is full of greenery which propels one’s thinking. Last year when the lockdown was announced, we never thought there would be a second wave and another lockdown. So for an actor it is a second setback. No one wants to be sitting idle at home. An actor’s job is to go to the set and work.”

He also adds, ”I would also like to praise our producers Sanjay and Binaiferr Kohli for the way they have visioned this new normal. It is amazing. We had enough bank of episodes so we could wait and start our shooting later. Otherwise, we would have to start early like others at the peak of the pandemic. We all should get the vaccines first and then build hard immunity to face this disease. Making episodes for the future and creating a bank is really a  commendable job done by our producers.”

Talking about his own comfort factor as an actor, he adds, ”As an individual I have no problem in shooting. Last year post lockdown when we have resumed I was scared a bit. But this time I am aware of the problem and the consequences so I am doubly cautious and taking good care of myself. Which is the need of the hour.. Producers have made excellent arrangements”

The new location will have Anokhe Lal Saxena’s birthday celebrations taking place in a resort.  Rohotashv Gour, Shubhangi Atre and Aasif Sheikh share a great bond offscreen as well.

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